属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-俄罗斯太空项目60年辉煌后遭遇困境
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-互联网先驱共享伊丽莎白工程奖150万美元奖金
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-美国开始研究环境和遗传因素对儿童的影响
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-预防青少年犯罪项目
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-也门基地组织宣称对查理周刊袭击案负责
1 | 中堂:基督教教堂的中央部分,从入口处(前廊)扩展到耳堂或圣坛(祭坛周围地区)。 | Nave: Main part of a Christian church, extending from the entrance (the narthex)to the transept or chancel (area around the altar). | |
2 | 中外档案职业比较研究-以职业主体为视角 | Comparative Studies of Archival Profession between Our Homeland and the Foreign Countries-From the Visual Angle of the Professional Main Part | |
3 | 主成分分析法在导弹攻击目标优选中的应用 | Application of Main Part Analysis Method in Optimizing Target Selection in Missile Attacking | |
4 | 组合励磁永磁同步发电机主发电机的设计方法 | Design Method of the Main Part of the Hybrid Excitation Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator | |
5 | 俄罗斯目前仍在使用的联盟号太空飞船的主体也是球形。 | A main part of Russia’s Soyuz space capsules that are still in use today also is spherical. | |
6 | 两人都表示,他们的满足来自于互联网的广泛使用,以及他们的基本技术架构仍是互联网重要组成部分的这一事实。 | Both men say their satisfaction comes from the wide use of the Internet and the fact that their basic technical architecture is still a main part of it. | |
7 | 美国国立卫生研究院的史蒂芬·希斯菲尔德(Steven Hirshfeld)担任研究主任。他表示,化验项目已经开始进行,全国性儿童研究的主要部分将于明年启动。 | Dr. Steven Hirshfeld at the National Institutes of Health is the study director. Test projects have already begun, and he says the main part of the National Children’s Study will begin next year. | |
8 | 韦尔纳瑞:“在马里兰州监狱服刑的很多人都没有犯开枪或持刀刺伤别人的罪行。他们是从犯,他们在犯罪时负责开车逃跑,他们和主犯一起。然而他们一样被判刑。” | MARK VERNARELLI: "A lot of men and women serving life in prison in the state of Maryland didn’t pull a trigger or plunge a knife into anybody. They were accessories to a crime. They drove the getaway car. They were with the perpetrator who did the main part of the crime. And yet they got the life sentence as well. " | |
9 | 新加坡国防部长表示,一艘新加坡海军舰艇发现了亚航8501航班的机身。该官员在Facebook上发帖表示,一台遥控潜水器拍摄的画片展示了机身上的字母。他说画面还展示了飞机的部分机翼。 | Singapore’s defense minister says a Singaporean navy ship has found the fuselage of AirAsia Flight 8501. The official said in a Facebook post that a remotely operated vehicle took images that showed lettering on the fuselage, the main part of the airplane. He said the pictures also showed part of the plane’s wing. | |
10 | “创新能力与主体意识”的培养 | On Cultivating "Ability of Bringing Forth New Ideas and Main-part Consciousness" | |
11 | Chrome的主程序部分,即内核,独立于各种可让页面显示在屏幕上的编译进程。 | In Chrome, the main part of the program, the kernel, is separated from the various rendering processes that draw the pages on the screen. | |
12 | cs包含服务代码的主要部分。 | Service. cs contains the main part of the service code. | |
13 | WebCal对框架使用一个表格,主要部分位于框架中间最大的表单元中。 | WebCal uses a table for the frame with the main part residing in the largest table cell in the middle of the frame. | |
14 | WSJ:不过,你当时是否有一种民族感情在里面,你希望参与到中国的主流中? | WSJ: But was there a nationalist feeling that you wanted to be in the main part of China? | |
15 | 本课题设计的是全液压开铁口机的机械结构,其结构主要由回转部分和钻进部分等组成。 | This topic is the design of hydraulic Taphole drill, the structure of the main part by the Rotary Drilling and some other components. | |
16 | 不同于作为普通观众的“大众”,构成大众影评主体的是“过度而狂热的看客”,即“迷”; | What constitutes the main part of the reviewers are "fans" , fervent and feverish audience, who are different from common audience. | |
17 | 城建档案馆工程档案管理及利用主体的权益分析 | Interest analysis of urban construction archives project files management and the use main-part | |
18 | 此服务器必须是安装本示例主要部分的物理计算机之外的物理计算机。 | This server must be a different physical computer from the one that you will use to install the main part of this sample. | |
19 | 此时,所有必要变量都已设置好,可以开始程序的主要部分了。 | At this point, all the necessary variables have been set and you can begin with the main part of the program. | |
20 | 从结构到主体:我国城市治理范式的重构 | From structure to main part : the restructure of China city’s ruling model | |
21 | 党校主体班研究式教学方法探讨 | An Analysis of Discussion Teaching Methods in Main Part Classes of the Party School | |
22 | 道路交通事故损害赔偿责任主体的法理分析 | The Legal Principle Analyses of the Traffic Accidents Harming and Payment the Main Part of the Duty | |
23 | 对体操必修课基本部分实习的实验研究 | On the Experimental Research on the Main Part in Gymnastics as Required Course | |
24 | 对图书馆读者主体化的认识 | Cognition About Readers of Library as Main Part | |
25 | 对主体班培训效果的回访调查 | Return visits and investigations on the training efficiency of main part classes | |
26 | 发电机主体部分的示意图 | Schematic Diagram of Generator Main Part | |
27 | 犯罪心理测试主体论 | Main Part of Criminal Psychological Test | |
28 | 房子的主体有三层楼,但是只有几扇窗户; | The main part of the residence had three floors but had few windows. | |
29 | 否则,您现在就已经完成了指导教程的主要部分。 | Otherwise, you are done with the main part of the guided tour. | |
30 | 高校思想政治工作的着力点应放在最基层 | Putting the Main Part of Political Work in Higher Institutes at the Basic |